Welcome to Temple Kenosis.

What is Temple Kenosis?

Temple Kenosis, Inc (501(c)(3)) is the spiritual community related to Integral Transformative Bodywork (ITB) and founder geoff Koshin west. Temple Kenosis is an Integral Theory informed spiritual tradition that centralizes the human-mushroom symbiotic relationship with the techniques and practices of ITB.  

Our sacrament (psilocybin found in mushrooms) catalyzes our relationship with our Essential Nature and the Essential Nature of all things. We seek to realize a sacrament enlivened embodiment of these 4 insights:

Insight 1: There are 2 realms of reality: the Ultimate and the Relative. Sacrament allows us to pierce the veil that separates these 2 realms. It allows us to concretely realize the validity of both realms.

Insight 2: Humans partake of both realms. Sacrament deepens our intimacy with both realms. By participating in Temple Kenosis activities we come to realize the sacred nature of both realms. It is this intimacy that allows for an Integral realization of our Essential Nature and Essential Nature in all things.

Insight 3: Humans can recognize their divine spark and the sacred ground that is its source. By taking sacrament we enjoy communion, union, and identification with Essential Nature. Sacrament unveils and/or reminds us of our Essential Nature. 

Insight 4: Realizing our Essential Nature is the highest goal and greatest good of human existence. Sacrament and our ITB practices support our embodied actualization of this highest goal and greatest good. This actualization and the celebration of it -personally and socially- is our deep offering to the world and existence. It is our sacred duty to celebrate and offer service by this fact. 

Our Intentions:

WE COMMIT to provide consenting individuals and groups with support in their transformational or evolutionary journey through the sacred and ceremonial use of psilocybin and ITB technology. 

OUR PURPOSE is to promote the integral evolution of beings who seek insight, transformation, and integration via psilocybin-human symbiosis. To achieve this purpose, we shall organize retreats, sacred ceremonies, and ongoing education consonant with the expansion of consciousness through ITB life practice and the sacramental consumption of psilocybin.