Let’s get started!

So ya wanna explore this tradition. Lovely!

Let’s start by going through the general process of setting up a journey.

We’ll cover the whole process here and we invite you to keep in mind that every participant will have a unique process based on needs and intentions.

We use the term ‘journey’ to signify any scheduled gathering of a Fool (Temple Kenosis priest) facilitating a participant as they ingest our sacrament (psilocybin mushrooms) as an intentional spiritual practice. We call the person taking the journey a ‘journeyer.’

All journey’s include 3 preparation meetings, the journey itself, and 3 integration meetings after the journey. These meetings are of great importance and we consider them non-negotiable. In some cases your fool may set up extra meetings which will be included in the costs of your journey. 

The 3 prep meetings are 1-1 and last for about an hour each. They’ll include education on the process, TK theory & practices that support the process, setting of intentions and general scheduling, and “homework” for the journeyer.

The journeys themselves will convene on a schedule and at a location decided upon by the fool and journeyer. The locations we use are secluded, in a nature setting, and are around the southeast US. All sacrament materials, food/water, lodging is included in the journey costs. 

Everyone starts with becoming a member.

Our membership ensures everyone involved is protected by their legal right to religious/spiritual practices. The Explorer membership is for those of you that are trying out sacrament and journeying as a spiritual practice, and/or are new to Temple Kenosis as a tradition and community and trying us out. Explorer comes with all the material that our basic membership (Sustainer) comes with: a library of recordings, access to worksheets and home practice resources, and a schedule of upcoming events. This membership is $7 a month for 2 months. This pricing model allows for you to get to know us and our tradition without much of a monetary investment. During these 2 months we’ll prep, schedule, and follow through with your journey. Once you've completed your journey you’ll be invited to make a choice about how you’d like to move forwards. You can choose to continue with TK and switch to the Sustainer membership or simply let the Explorer membership expire and we part ways peacefully with an invitation for you to return to us at any time.  

If you’re familiar with TK and what we do you can start with simply becoming a Sustainer. This level membership is $25 a month and is identical to the Explorer membership. This will be paid automatically each month until you decide to exit from your membership plan. You can always renew your membership at any time. 

Our other membership is Keeper. This membership includes all of what Sustainer has with a few more perks. Keeper membership is for those that have the means to provide a larger monthly donation. With this larger monthly donation you’ll support TK in all our activities with a larger % of donation going to community outreach and our scholarship fund. 

When you choose a membership you’ll immediately be prompted to enter your basic contact and preferred payment. At the conclusion of entering this information a few things will occur. First, you’ll immediately get a welcome email and access to your member level resources. You’ll be charged your first month's member dues which will automatically renew on the same day each month. Next, an email will be sent to a TK fool and they will contact you within 36 hours to begin the journey scheduling process. If you are eager, visit the member page and click on Let’s take a Journey. This will direct you to our Schedule; click on Journey and follow the prompts.

Once you’ve visited the Schedule page and filled out the Journey info the process has begun!

Your meetings are of the utmost importance so please prioritize them. Your journey doesn’t get scheduled until you’ve completed the 3 prep meetings and your fool feels like you two have laid the necessary groundwork for moving forward. These meetings are included in the cost of your journey so if a 4th or 5th meeting needs to be scheduled it doesn’t cost any extra. Your readiness and resonance is of top priority and we will work to establish what is needed.

You and your fool will complete the prep meetings and schedule the date and location for the journey. Your fool will come with at least 1 assistant that you will be familiar with prior to the journey. There may be other volunteers supporting you and they will play a minor role in your journey.

Journeys take many forms depending on the journeyer's intentions, constitution, and availability. Most journeys may take 24 hrs while others may take 3 days; for this reason we can’t give too many specifics. What we can suggest is that you allow enough time after your journey to rest and prepare to return to your regular responsibilities and schedule.

Upon completion of your journey you will schedule 3 integration sessions with your fool in order to allow for sharing, education, and translation. These sessions are just as important as the prep sessions. Science tells us that it is the following 4-6 weeks that are vital to our integrating the wisdom, insight, healing, and emerging potentials and stabilizing what you’ve discovered.

Many of our fools coach and educate on TK topics and are paid for their consultation and collaborations. As long as you maintain your membership with us after your journey you’ll have access to our fools at a discounted rate per hour for consultation. We hope that you take advantage of this option as often as possible.

Also, expect to hear from your fool 3-4 months after your last integration session. We like to keep up with our journeyer’s -it’s a check-in, a “how are ya?”, an opportunity to celebrate your growth and Being.

Finally, you're not expected to take more journeys if it doesn’t call to you. We do suggest an annual journey to keep momentum going towards unfolding and enfolding your experience of Ultimate Reality. Though this is simply a gentle invitation and we hold no expectation over you. Sometimes a single journey and the ongoing practices found within TK is all one needs in a life.

TK is an Integral tradition that stands firm in its claim that what we do after our journey, how we continue to practice and centralize our insights is as important as the journey itself. We invite you to practice with us and grow with our community. Constantly going alone -whether we consider it spiritual practice or personal growth- has many pitfalls for those of us that claim to want to centralize Love, Truth, Community, and Spirit. As the African proverb states, “if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” Let’s join together, let’s share insight, let’s mourn together just as much as we rejoice together. Let’s pool resources when appropriate, let’s roll solo when needed.