Choose a path.

For 2 months

A good start for those that are new to Temple Kenosis and are getting to know us while considering their 1st journey or just their 1st journey with us. Benefits expire after 2 months.

✓ Access to all activities, workshops, studygroups, & retreats
✓ Added to our Temple Kenosis mailing list
Every month

This level is for folks who have chosen Temple Kenosis as their desired tradition.

✓ Access to all activities, workshops, studygroups, & retreats
✓ Coupon for 1 free Temple sticker
✓ Added to our monthly newsletter
✓ 15% discount on all merch
Every month

For folks who have chosen to make a larger monthly $ contribution to support the financial dimensions of Temple Kenosis. These donations are used for basic financial support of Temple Kenosis and its community initiatives.

✓ All the benefits of our Explorer subscription
✓ Recognition in monthly newsletter
✓ 20% discount to all events, workshops, & retreats